Empowering High-Performering Executives Struggling with

Your pain can be your greatest catalyst for transformation, but you must be ready to SHIFT from living within your pain to THRIVING beyond your grief.

Yes, you can change, but you have to be honest with yourself first.

Are YOU tired of feeling STUCK in your grief journey and like NO one understands?
Do you long for someone who truly understands what you're going through and can guide YOU towards lasting HEALING?


As a HIGH PERFORMER who has personally walked the grief journey and emerged STRONGER on the other side, I possess a unique blend of experience and credentials that make me YOUR ideal companion on this path of HEALING.

I know what it’s like to shut down after the death of a loved one.

Our emotions, thoughts, and feelings can lead us to dark places that no one would wish upon anyone.

I’m Tracey Chapman, and I understand your grief.  

In 2017, I received a call that turned my life upside down. My youngest son was reported missing. The outcome was death by suicide.

Life had dealt me one of the most brutal blows that any mother could endure. As a mother, we carry this child within, give birth to this child, and nurture this child. The connection is profound and strong.

I lost myself in the pain of my grief…Not only was I grieving for my son, but I was grieving for the life that I had and the person I once was.

After years of suffering, I had to acknowledge that I needed to find a way to heal. The healing had to start from within, where I had been keeping my pain locked. I had to stop running.

When we run from what we think and feel, those emotions follow us everywhere and run our lives.

Your brain and body are hardwired to think and feel. The more you try to avoid and numb, the more frustrated, resentful, unfulfilled, and unhealthy you will become. This affects your overall well-being, your relationship with yourself, and your relationships with others.

You are living your life as a victim of your circumstances and a prisoner of how you perceive your world.

Embracing my healing and personal growth journey has allowed me to BREAK FREE from the chains of SORROW, reclaim my TRUE SELF, and find a renewed sense of PURPOSE and JOY in life. 

And I’m driven to help you do the same …

Pain is not a place to live; lighting our soul up and living is!

Tracey is a 2-Times #1 International Bestselling Author, Most Influential Coach to Look for in 2024, Brainz 500 Global Award Nomination for 2023, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine


As if you've LOST SIGHT of who YOU TRULY ARE?
Do YOU want to feel higher levels of PEACE, HAPPINESS, and WELL-BEING

Losing a loved one is an indescribable pain that can profoundly impact our lives. It shakes the very foundation of our being and leaves us feeling shattered, as if a part of ourselves has been torn away. During these difficult moments, navigating through overwhelming emotions can be incredibly challenging. However, finding our strength is essential to rebuild our lives and move forward.

It is like learning to drive a car. How can you get the vehicle to move forward if you do not know how it works, what the break is, what the pedal is, and how to turn it on? Without knowing this, you stay behind the driver's seat, looking ahead, not knowing how to move down the road. 

Discover The Fastest Path to Finding New Life and A New YOU
Beyond Grief

My Proven and Personalised "THRIVE Beyond Grief" Blueprint Will Help YOU


  • Depressed.
  • Isolated, feeling alone.
  • Don't know where or who to turn to.
  • Inner conflict and turmoil.


  • Understanding the pain of the past serves a higher purpose.
  • Restored hope for the future.
  • Equipped with the tools to approach their challenges differently.
  • Embracing a vibrant energy that fuels their spirit.

BOOKS by Tracey Chapman

A Resilient Life

Discover the transformative journey of bouncing forward.
In this powerful and inspiring quide, join a diverse group of women from around the world as they share their personal stories of resilience and the transformative journey of bouncing forward after facing adversity.

My Mess Is My Message II

Inspiring stories of incredible women who found purpose and prosperity through adversity.
You have the power within you to rise above and beyond any adversity and thrive in life no matter how impossible it might seem.

Life can feel like a never-ending series of setbacks - but at the same time, it gives you infinite possibilities to EVOLVE, OVERCOME and get BACK UP.

Do you know what the most painful thing is that someone said to me when I lost my son?
"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐭!"  
So, what you are saying is .... my son was not vital to me?

The most painful thing someone can say to a grieving parent who has lost a child is, "You will get over it."
  These words, although possibly well-intentioned, can cut deep into the heart of someone experiencing profound loss.  
The reality is that the pain of losing a child is something that never truly goes away; it becomes a part of who you are.  
Grief is not something to simply "Get over."  You may "Get over" being turned down for a job
One must navigate a journey with time, patience, and understanding. Each person's experience of grief is unique and deeply personal.  
Being told to "Get over it" can feel dismissive and invalidate the immense sorrow and love that remains for the child who has passed.  
The power of words is undeniable, especially in times of grief.  
But it's crucial to remember that our choice of words holds significance beyond moments of sorrow; they shape our interactions, relationships, and perceptions in everyday life.  
Being mindful of our language can foster understanding, empathy, and positive connections with others. 

It's Time To Transform


"I started working with Tracey during a major transition phase in my life. I was going through divorce, starting my own business, resigning from my job. It was a journey filled with emotional ups and downs. What I found incredible about Tracey, is that she lives and breathes High Performance lifestyle with every inch. She is a true role model, a coach to look up to. I do believe, that when you are embarking on a big change, you need people close to you, that are inspiring you, challenging you and role model the behavior and the lifestyle you are after. With her own life experience and how she handled her very own challenges so gracefully, she is a coach you only can look up to and aspire to become one day. She was able to see what I am capable of, in situations where I couldn’t and was helping me to get there with empathy, yet steadfast guidance. Tracey is a very strong coach and perfect for anyone looking to make a change, going through a serious transition of any sort. She is the person you want to have in your side. Self-Doubt and limiting believes are easy to overcome with her guidance.“
"Tracey is a coach who lives by the high standards she helps people develop in themself. Super outcome focused, she will support you to find clarity, then hold you accountable to do what you say. Tracey is a genuine person, authentic and committed to helping people reach their next level of performance. I have no trouble recommending Tracey as a coach because I know how hard she will work to help you succeed."

Embrace Healing Today 
BOOK Your 30 Minute Session Now and Lets Chat

PAIN is not a place to live; LIGHTING our SOULS UP and LIVING is!